Reason #3: Go where the digital money is
When you chase the burgeoning Fintech market and it pays you back with some fun creative.
Problem: In Indonesia, the fintech market is the fastest growing sector spending big cash (to make cash). But the work is usually uninspiring and rarely provide great creative opportunities.
Solution: As Country Head for the company, I made a management decision to go after an unpopular category at the beginning of the new office’s life. A painful 3 months (and already 3000 digital ad executions posted) later, our client – BukuWarung – approached us to create a series of 5 online videos targetting young shop vendors onto their latest app extension, Tokoko.
this was the first time I had undertaken the production of a multi-talent crew on location in the middle of a trouble Jakarta during lockdown. We had to get proper municipality permits, ensure all 20-strong team were vaccinated and had to create shifts of personnel since indoor areas had maximum occupancy restrictions at the time.
The videos turned out funny in typical Jakarta youth fashion. Clients loved it and now even trust us more to seep more creativity into the daily grind work too.
Win. Win.