Reason #11: Don’t turn your nose down on humble mediums
Porsche Experience
Luxury cars are all about the experience. We needed to create a carrot that didn’t cost the world. All we wanted was a smile.
Problem: Luxury car buyers in Singapore are always being courted in some way or another. Was there something we could do to get more people to trade in their Europeans for a weekend test drive? The client wanted to use direct mail. Ouch.
Solution: We figured everyone in our target audience had some idea of the thrill of owning, driving and experiencing a Porsche. But what if we could give them the magic potion?
We created a hardback ‘book’ with an enticing title. When you opened it, you found an official keychain tethered to a mock keyfob with a unique identifier.
The secret was you just had to drive it for yourself.
The exclusive DMs were distributed by hand to a select few groups living in Singapore’s prestigious District 10 and 11.